To understand just one life, you have to swallow the world.
-Salman Rushdie, Midnight's Children
Once upon the time (insert a date) Children of the Complete Planet Searched the entire World
If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.
—Catherine Aird
Rethinking Knowledge in the Internet Age Los Angeles Review of Books
*Search Engine Land
#Information Brokers - Presentations
NOTA BENE: Google News now has a “Fact Check” tag
Smithsonian Puts 4.5 Million High-Res Images Online and Into the Public Domain Making Them Free to Use Open Culture
5 Tools to Help You Search the Archived MEdia Dragons of the Internet - Tech.Co – Adam Rowe: “The archived internet deserves more recognition. Online security has been a hot button topic in the tech community recently, with data scandals and privacy policy updates constantly driving the conversation.
000: Dewey Decimal Classification System Invisible Patterns of Ones, Zeroes and Beyond
A chorrible (sic) warning, Jozef Imrich, is a self-proclaimed charter member of what he calls ‘the samizdata, information, broker generation.’ The first generation of informaniacs with total access to a database of tens of thousands of books, songs and films at any given moment ... something no other generation before ours can claim. Sharing great and small discoveries is largely why weblogging got so hot and sultry in the first place. From the deeply serious to the shallowly frivolous ... Even the smallest person can change the course of the future!
Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the Soviet Czechoslovakia [Russ.,= self-publishing house] BTW, in Slavic languages Net does mean no (smile)
…librarians are more freedom fighters than shushers
-Carla Hayden, Ms. Magazine online
· Radical Reference is a collective of volunteer library workers who believe in social justice and equality Radical Reference; One Stop Shops: Researching Librarian ; *Reference Libraries
Google 2016: Search is a Jack of all trades
Google Blog: “Search is not just about answering your questions—it’s also about discovery. We search to explore new topics of interest, to find new angles to ideas or things we think we already know, or even to uncover information that we didn’t even think to ask about. Over the years, we’ve developed many features to help you discover more on your journeys through the web, starting with related searches almost 10 years ago, to more recent additions such as related questions (Related questions are labeled “People also ask” in search results). In the last few weeks, we’ve made three new additions to help you explore further, including expanded Featured Snippets, improved functionality of Knowledge Panels, and suggested content as you search for a particular topic. Featured Snippets are algorithmically generated highlights of what’s available on the web that provide quick, relevant answers for your queries. Today, we’ve added more images and related searches inside select Featured Snippets to help you learn even more about your topic, or to discover new things related to your interest…”
The 37 Best Websites To Learn Something New
How do you research thoroughly, save time, and get directly to the source you wish to find? Top 10 Data Research Tools for Investigative Journalists via Bohemian Blog Father
Idiot's Guide to ICIJ: E.I. How To Search Panama Papers ... MMXVI AD
Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project – “The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a non-profit network of investigative journalism centers in Europe and Eurasia, has launched a new data platform to enable journalists and researchers to sift more than 2 million documents and use the findings in their investigations. People using the new data platform, called ID Search, will be able to set up email alerts notifying them when new results appear for their searches or for persons tracked on official watchlists. The new tool is part of OCCRP’s Investigative Dashboard (ID), a ground-breaking platform bringing together data search, visualizations and researcher expertise. It is currently used by more than 4,400 journalists including those from OCCRP’s 24 partner centers. Users can access the search engine at”
- Note – please see also Investigative Dashboard Search lets you search across data and documents from previous investigations, official sources, and scraped databases.
000 Computers, Information, & General Reference
Includes: computing, Internet, libraries, information science
Attracting Deep & Meaningful Websites
· People's No. 1 question is How do I find stuff? - Michael comes to the rescue at DeepBlog (with links to local bloggers) [Wikipedia is peppered with Kold River links - Media Dragon Search Engines; Kingdom of General Reference Links - Lib-web-cats is a directory of libraries worldwide Online, Searchable Directory of Libraries Worldwide ; Dangerous archiving How to keep the stuff: the Prelinger Archive; Academic Bloggers: Research on Blogs]
First thing first, so czech (sic) out Google & Amazon and practice your searching skills by employing tools such as " + or - " There's no doubting Google's power and popularity. Yet few of us use the search engine effectively. Larry Page and Sergey Brin & Jeff Bezos know all the tricks:
Then find out What Google Guide Teaches You or How can Soople Make your life easier... or, in fact, even Blog Father ;-)
[It's gotten to the point where people think if it's not in Google, it doesn't exist. More places for one and all webmasters and bloggers - Google Help : Cheat Sheet [Googling is an Art](Should we all be using this GoogleAnon bookmarklet to set our Google GUID to all zeros, in order to anonymize our searches? Anonymizing Google's Cookie )
Site Search Pro is a comprehensive search script. It provides complete, customizable, effective, and fully-functional site searching for any type of Web site ; Think Different: Thinking Outside the Search Box ]
Mr Sapo is a Blogfather of Blog Searches; while Blogometer rocks
· Google has some fun features that may be unfamiliar to many
· Diana Botluk introduces us to Search Engine Comparison Chart
· Where in the World Is ... Recommends Websites for Research of Global and Local Issues. While you can ensure that a press gallery party will leave you with seven new phone numbers, a horrendous headache and a bizaree character under your doona, there are some wild sites no one can predict: Unpredictable Power Reporting
Quick Access Quality Blogs - Red Couch: is an Easy Guide & Portal to Quality Blogs
Mark Schaver provides another useful list (Amerikan bias): The most useful Web sites for reporters
[New Technorati This favelet for IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, etc. Making a difference in web browsing experience: Get a quick view of what people are saying about any particular article, web page, company, keywords, or blog post]
Legal Research at Your Fingertips: Lexis Views, Bestlaw, and Google for Lawyers?
Harvard Berkman Center Releases Amber – Tool for Bloggers and Website Owners “The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is pleased to release Amber, a free software tool for WordPress and Drupal that preserves content and prevents broken links.
· A Global Trick to Avoid News Website Registration [See also Bug ME Not]
· NYTimes: Permanent link about links
My virtual dream has come true and the reality is classified here:
· Dewey Dream Classified (Divine) [Cyber Dewey] (Czech out also Catalogablog)
· · Excellent Art & Science Databases
· · · See Also Another excellent directory of library weblogs
· · · · Top Ten Sources is a site that finds best blog sources on a topic
· Lecture Notes, Course Material, Images [Dream by Jan Amos Komensky, a pioneer of education, remembered: MIT Initiative]
Search Engines by Search Features:
Compare the search engines by their features. This page lists search features and the search engines that support them.
· Search Engines [Search Engine Show Down] Blog Search with Blog Search Engines
The creative stakes are high in the era of naked conversations. Robert Scoble & Shel Israel paint a huge yet detailed canvas covering the intriguing phenomenon called blogging. Samizdata of Communication: Entrepreneural, Informed & Independent - Personal and Business Blogging Adding Your Voice to the Conversation: Why CEOs Should Blog (peppered with links)
Need to find an expert? This list has over 100 blogs listed Weblogs published by industry analysts
UberBloggerDarren Rowse of Living Room Fame serves the internet unconditionally; Darren shares priceless Blog Tips right here!
· Engines [Blog Tips: Living Room]
· Furthermore, Darren has compiled a great series entitled 31 Days to Better Blogs Declaring War on Blogger Apathy - Complete Article
· What a difference an evangelical blogging tutorial makes!
Elsewhere Forbes links to Blog Tools
Time to check: Are you using the right blogging tool? ; Bookmarklets Every Blogger Should Have
As it happens, Ari Paparo is a real giver so take it and enjoy surfing:
· Big List of Blog Search Engines [Blog Search Engines, Directories, and Web-based RSS aggregators ]
Czech out this collection of resources that Phil uses on a regular basis arranged under different topics. It should make your life quicker and easier if you're not sure which search engine to use for which type of query, and for created a search strategy Search engines
· Ach, Priceless Weblog Tools by Elise Bauer (Ageless)
If you are a journalist or an author you must visit the following site peppered with vital links. Your publisher will kiss your feet (smile) and your royalty czechs might be kinder to you as as well as a result. So submit your RSS Feeds & Weblog URLs To Get More Exposure, Visibility And Reach
The News-Observer's John Robinson has published Standards and Practices for bloggers on his paper's website. These are things all of us should be thinking about and worth repeating: Make fun of no one except yourself ... Play nice with the local bloggers Great rules for newspaper bloggers
A number of other sites are helping writers to find strangest and craziest stuff in the blogosphere:
SearchEngineWatch Blog; Search Blog; Search Engine Guide ; Slow Down and Find
Measuring not the popularity of a site but how good dragons are at injecting ideas into the mainstream...
The most-read Media Dragons aren't necessarily the ones with the most original ideas.
· Warning: Blogs Can Be Infectious
Timeless, Borderless, Trend Setters
· Bloggers Rate the Most Influential Blogs and Media Websites [Timeless June 2003]
[ Daily Dusty News ]
General Reference Links
· Undoubtedly the best weblog directory []
· Links to More Links [Digital-Librarian]
· Wall Street: The Best of Web [Wall Street Journal]
· Webblog Indexes [Blogspotting]
#CEOs Who Blog: Those Who Just Cannot Be Ignored
Blogosphere Docs Never Sleeps
Gary Price is a Web hero. He's a mild-mannered librarian who helps tame the Internet for the rest of us. In a 2003 column, I praised his as the best way I know of to keep abreast of useful of useful new online resources.
· So you are a real info-junkie - you need to scan through much more information than others. You probably are subscribing to hundreds of information feeds - blogs, data feeds, news feeds, etc. Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Welcome to BlogBridge - the Blog and feed aggregation solution
• Research Galore [ Czech out the document tracker:]
Tara Calishain Also Never Sleeps: Seven Ways to Save Time Searching Peeling the Imperfect Onion
·Start a dangerous liaison with bloggers at Law Professor Blogs
·Law Library Blogs and Blogs by Law Librarians or Law Library Associations Compiled by Bonnie Shucha Law Libraries and Law Librarians Who Are Blogging
· Librarian’s Index to the Internet [Lii]
· Almost Complete Collections of Internet Search Engines [Mindspring]
· All About Blogs, Bloggers, Diaring [Mindspring]
· Media, Newspapers Journalism Links [Digital-Librarian]
· Reference Links []
· Quick References: Almanacs, Atlas, Dictionaries, Encyclopaedia ... []
· Internet Library [Internet Public Library]
Links for Researchers & Journalists
· Web Sites for Researchers & Journalists [Website of John Oatis]
· Public Records [Website of John Oatis]
· Links and Useful Sites []
· Investigative Reporting Links: US [IRE]
Say yes to Creating and Publishing Weblogs (Wikipedia)
Research Papers
· Latest Research Papers Antipodean Bias]
· Public Affairs Antipodian Bias
· Legislative Research: Covering Many Topics [Gary Price]
Essential Search Links
· Links Galore [Welcom]
Special Issues
· List Covering Business, Arts, Agriculture, Science, Administration. [Gary Price]
Welcome to the Directory of Open Access Journals. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals:
· Journals Full Text [Directory of Open Access]
· Search Congressional-Research-Service Reports []
* Professors Who Blog
* Blogebrity
* White Papers Links
* Alexa Browser
* Amazon Browser
* Anacubis
* Blogstreet Browser
* Google Browser
* Google Visual Search
* Grokker2
* News Is Free
* Research Mapper
Verification and Digital Investigations Resources
Maintained by Craig Silverman of ProPublica (@CraigSilverman). This is by no means a totally comprehensive list, but it covers what I consider to be essential plugins and tools for general OSINT/online research work. There are also links to other resources to go deeper. Feedback? Contact me.
Essential Browser Plugins
Photo Analysis
- TinEye reverse image search
- Yandex reverse image search
- EXIF Reader
- FotoForensics
- Karmadecay reverse image search tool for Reddit
- Tool to take an image and convert characters to text
- Free tool that helps remove background images from a photo, to help with reverse image search
- reverse image/facial recognition
- Sensity tool for detecting GAN generated faces
Video Analysis
- YouTube Data Viewer
- InVID (see above)
Website Analysis
- Whoxy free whois/domain name search
- Whoisology whois-domain search
- DomainTools paid whois search and investigations tool
- ViewDNS is another useful tool for analyzing domain names.
- Internet Archive/Wayback Machine
- The Advanced Search page for the Internet Archive
- often used for social media profiles as well
- Spy On Web search for tracking Google Analytics and AdSense
- Publicwww, search to see how many websites have the same source code or snippet of text (looks in HTML, JS and CSS code as well as webpages)
- NerdyData source code search
- AnalyzeID find related websites through ad codes
- DNSlytics is another great tool for connecting websites together via AdSense, Google Analytics, IP etc. Reasonably-priced paid verison, too
- tool for retrieving cached pages from multiple search engines
- FOCA tool for analyzing metadata in documents on the web (Windows only)
- A tool that tries to guess when a webpage first went online
- Paid tool to monitor changes to specific webpages
- URLScan is a free tool that gives an overview of a site, the tools used to build it, and other useful info
Social Media Search and Account Analysis
- Analytics for Twitter
- Tinfoleak tool for getting a lot of useful overview related to a Twitter account
- Account Analysis is another great Twitter account analysis tool
- MakeAdverbsGreatAgain is another useful Twitter analysis tool
- Twitonomy Twitter tool for analyzing an account, hashtags, etc.
- Followerwonk Twitter tool for searching bios, user analysis etc.
- for mapping connections between accounts
- Tool that lists the accounts that retweeted a specific account, with lots of sorting and filtering options
- Facebook profile investigator
- Facebook Graph search interface
- Search for dates and date ranges on Facebook
- WhoPostedWhat tool for doing keyword searches on Facebook
- Webmii social media profile search
- Twitter advanced search
- Gramspy Instagram analysis tool
- Buzzweb Instagram analysis tool
- Tool to analyze whether reviews on amazon/Yelp/TripAdvisor etc. are fake
- SocialBlade tool for analyzing YouTube, Twitter, Insta, Twitch accounts
- Tool to see if a username is used across different online services
- An even more comprehensive tool for searching a username across platforms
- And one more excellent username search tool
- A Snapchat username search tool
- A tool to search for Instagram users by name or username without having to login
- A tool for analyzing a Telegram account/channel
Finding People
- Spokeo people search (good for the US only)
- Thats Them people search
- Pipl people Search
- Skopenow (an excellent paid tool)
- Name2email browser extension that helps you find a person’s correct email
- Hooyu is a great paid tool for identifying connections between people and entities in the UK
Advertising Analysis
- Moat ad analytics tool
- Facebook political/issue ads database
- Google political ads database
- Pathmatics display and Facebook ads tracking tool (paid)
- Exodus tool to evaluate a mobile app’s permissions and ad trackers
Web Traffic Analysis
Corporate/Business Tools
- Opensanctions (“a global database of persons and companies of political, criminal, or economic interest. It combines the most important sanctions lists, databases of politically exposed persons etc.”)
- Open Corporates
- Investigative Dashboard
- ICIJ Offshoreleaks Database
- Corporation Wiki
- Orbis paid corporate search
- List of corporate registrars around the world
- An overview of other companies research tools
- Little Sis database of relationships between people, companies etc.
Guides & Other Resources
- Bellingcat's huge list of digital tools (really good, especially if you need mapping/geolocation tools)
- is a great collection of tools and resources
- The Tow Center’s Guide To Open Source Intelligence
- Sapient Intelligence’s big list of OSINT tools
- guide to a wide variety of tools
- The Verification Handbook for Disinformation and Media Manipulation
- from Paul Myers at BBC News
- First Draft
- First Draft’s free online verification courses
- Website investigation tipsheet
- post_fact's OSINT primer
- Step-by-step guide from Data & Society for how to investigate social media accounts
- page listing lots of tools related to tracking money laundering
- GUIDE: How to spot fakes and hoaxes online - Africa Check
- 10 tools and tricks for verifying Instagram posts
- Full Fact’s guide to spot bad and misleading information
- How to download social media videos without tools
- How to investigate TikTok like a pro!
- Telegram Fundamentals
Presentations from me
- Investigating The Internet, IJF 2018 (slides)
- Investigating the Internet IJF 2018 (video)
- Investigating Chinese Mobile Apps, GIJN 2019 (slides)
- Investigating Digital Mis/Disinformation, GIJN19 (slides)
- A 2020 GIJN webinar (video) where I showed basic network analysis/snowballing techniques using this investigation as a case study. View my slides here.